Creating an environment where economic vitality is generated through a diverse business ecosystem, entrepreneurial activity, cultural and recreational amenities, tourism and events, quality education, community engagement, and fierce resident pride.


Support the growth of new and existing businesses by fostering a business-friendly environment, attracting and retaining talent to support businesses, and promoting quality of life through the branding of the City’s premier recreation assets.

1 Bolster collaboration and resources to ensure a premier business friendly environment that supports new and existing businesses in Las Vegas.

  • Establish virtual “Business Navigator” program.
  • Spotlight industry innovation ecosystems and opportunities.
  • Broaden knowledge of licensing and tax processes to small businesses through online tools and help-desk support.
  • Increase number of business walks and visits to continue business education of City resources.
  • Review and/or update business licensing, land use, and enforcement processes.

2 Advance future workforce needs with education, workforce partners, employers, and military

  • Build school district K-12 partnership to emphasize “workforce for tomorrow” jobs and training focused on key sectors in the Las Vegas City area.
  • Promote veteran programs as business recruitment tool.
  • Support cybersecurity and space education to become a direct feeder to higher education and industry.
  • Partner with trade industries to promote career opportunities.

3 Partner to promote our quality of life and recreation for talent attraction and retention

  • Partner to promote our quality of life and recreation for talent attraction and retention.
Performance Metrics Increase output from public-private partnerships; increase awareness of economic development incentives and programs; increase community-wide awareness of brand value.
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