Las Vegas is striving to become an inspiring example of a city where everyone has the ability to choose housing that is right for them.


Implement policies and foster community partnerships to increase housing options for people in all seasons of their life and make housing more affordable and attainable.

1 Maximize and leverage regional partnerships to improve housing affordability

  • Partner with LVC housing network and other county stakeholders to establish attainable housing goals.
  • Advocate for construction defect legislation reform by joining forces with legislators and advocates from across the state.
  • Engage with for-profit and nonprofit developers to maximize access to government funding initiatives.
  • Support nonprofit efforts to expand housing opportunities for individuals and families experiencing homelessness in our community.

2 Pursue innovative housing solutions

  • Showcase innovative building technologies, such as 3D printing or penalised construction.
  • Adopt program guidelines to encourage and incentivize the development of accessory dwelling units (ADUs).

3 Stimulate the removal of barriers for affordable and attainable housing development

  • Partner with City Council to expand incentives and rebates to include missing-middle housing and single-family homeownership, targeting households up to 120% area median income (AMI).
  • Explore incentive-based programs to include entry level and workforce housing in mixed income developments and newly annexed land.
Performance Metrics Measurable increase in incentives and rebates; decrease the number of individuals experiencing homelessness; increase the number of policy actions to improve housing attainability.
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